Most people think of “turkey” only in terms of a yearly holiday main course and little else. For many poultry enthusiasts, a turkey represents much more. A small turkey flock can add a true sense of awe and majesty to a backyard. There’s such an air of elegance to a tom’s (male turkey’s) powerful strut with his head tucked in,
suspended snood and tail feathers displayed in a proud fan. Of course, there is no holiday meal quite like the savory homegrown flavor of a bird you raised yourself from poult to pot.
The fine art of raising turkeys has its differences and parallels with that of other farm birds. If you are conscious with their care and management, they assimilate nicely alongside other poultry endeavors. Able to suit a variety of lifestyles and end goals, turkeys are full of opportunity for fun, food and even a little profit.
Turkeys, taking approximately 16 to 22 weeks to reach desired market weight and very seasonal in demand, make a perfect spring or summer project. Depending on your climate and housing availability, they can also be raised year-round.